Five-minute sorrel jam. Five-minute redcurrant jam recipe

Five-minute sorrel jam. Five-minute redcurrant jam recipe

Red currants are not as fragrant as black currants, but they also have their admirers, especially since they ripen earlier than black currants, and the harvest of early varieties of red currants can be harvested almost simultaneously with strawberries. Red currant berries adhere firmly to the branches, which allows harvesting with almost no loss.

The benefits and harms of redcurrant jam

The bright red color indicates the ripeness of the currant and its sweetness. When picking yourself, the berries are picked with tassels, so they last longer without changing the taste. You can use frozen berries; even in this form they do not lose their vitamin properties. When cooking, boil the berries with sugar for no more than 15 minutes, otherwise the dessert will become tasteless. There is a recipe for a delicacy that is prepared by simply pouring currants with sugar and then storing it in the refrigerator. In this case, vitamins are retained in greater volume.

The berries contain vitamins E, H, PP, A, C and an almost complete set of group B. Currants are full of macroelements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sodium. The composition contains pectins, coumarins, tannins, and saturated fatty acids. Currants are a source of fiber, iron and antioxidants.

Red currant jam is a storehouse of useful substances and components that:

  • increase immunity;
  • help get rid of sore throat and lower temperature during colds;
  • lower cholesterol and help prevent vascular and heart diseases;
  • help with high blood pressure and prevent stroke;
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • help fight edema, gout and intestinal disorders;
  • participate in the process of cell repair and collagen production;
  • help calm the nervous system and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Jam is used for anemia and scurvy.

It helps women during pregnancy cope with the feeling of nausea due to toxicosis. The high iron content in berries has an effect in the prevention of hypoxia and anemia.

Despite all the beneficial properties of jam, there are some contraindications. Dessert should not be consumed by those who suffer from stomach diseases: acute and chronic gastritis, ulcers and diseases of the duodenum. Since the berry accelerates the process of hematopoiesis, jam is not recommended for bleeding disorders and hemophilia.

Currants have a pronounced sour taste, which is why they put more sugar in jam than in other types of dessert. People with diabetes and increased weight should limit their consumption of jam. In addition, the red berry can cause an allergic reaction in some adults and children.

Subtleties of cooking

  • There is so much pectin in this berry that jam can be made from it in a cold way - without cooking, and it gels perfectly, becoming thick. Therefore, red currants do not need to be subjected to long-term heat treatment, and this will retain more useful substances in it.
  • Red currants are a sour berry, so they use more sugar to make jam than is required for black currants.
  • Red currant berries are most often wiped to get rid of the skin and seeds. And then such jam becomes like jam.

Redcurrant jam: first recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 400 ml.

Cooking method

  • Separate the berries from the branches and rinse in cold water. Pour into a cooking basin.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water. Cook the syrup while stirring. Pour it over the berries.
  • At a low simmer, cook the red currants for 25 minutes, skimming off any foam that appears.
  • Cool until warm. Transfer to clean, dry jars. Cover with parchment or tracing paper.

Redcurrant jam: second recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 100 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries, tear off all the branches. Rinse under running water.
  • Place in a cooking basin or enamel pan, sprinkling with sugar. Add water.
  • Bring to a boil over moderate heat, gently stirring the berries and skimming off any foam that appears. Then reduce the heat and cook the currants for half an hour.
  • Remove the basin from the stove and cool the jam completely. Transfer to clean, dry jars. Cover with parchment or tracing paper.

Redcurrant jam: third recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 300 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries, cut off the branches. Wash under running water. Place in a cooking basin.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water. Boil the syrup. Pour it over the currants and leave for 4 hours to soak in sugar.
  • Bring the jam to a boil over moderate heat. Cook, removing foam, for 20-30 minutes.
  • Cool the jam. Transfer to clean, dry jars. Cover with parchment.

Redcurrant jam: fourth recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 300 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries and separate them from the branches. Place in small batches in a colander and blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  • Place on a sieve and let the water drain.
  • Strain the water after heat treatment of the berries and measure the volume.
  • Pour this water into the cooking basin according to the norm, add sugar. Boil the syrup.
  • Dip the berries into the syrup and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, removing the foam.
  • Remove the jam from the stove and leave for 8 hours.
  • Then put the jam back on the fire and cook at a moderate boil for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure with infusing the berries in syrup one more time.
  • Put the jam back on moderate heat and cook until done.
  • Cool. Place in clean, dry jars. Cover with parchment paper.

Redcurrant jam: fifth recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries, remove the branches, and rinse under running water.
  • Place in an enamel pan. Heat over low heat until the currants release juice. You can add a little water to prevent the berries from burning.
  • Gradually add sugar to the heated berries, while gently stirring the mixture.
  • When the sugar is completely dissolved, bring the jam to a boil, removing the foam.
  • Remove from heat and cool for 2-3 hours.
  • Place on the heat again and bring to a boil. Repeat this process 2 more times.
  • Pour the finished jam hot into sterile jars and cool. Cover with parchment. If you want to seal the jam hermetically, then put it in jars while hot and roll it up immediately. Cool by turning upside down.

Redcurrant jam: sixth recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 900 g;
  • water – 200 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries and remove the branches. Rinse in cold water.
  • Pour sugar into a cooking basin, pour in water and boil the syrup.
  • Pour berries into it. Bring to a boil over high heat, skimming off any foam. Cook for 15 minutes.
  • Prepare sterile jars by heating them in the oven.
  • Place slightly cooled jam into dry jars. Seal tightly. If you want to cover with parchment, do this only after the jam has completely cooled.

Redcurrant jam-jelly: first recipe


  • Red currants;
  • sugar – 1.3-1.5 kg per 1 liter of juice;
  • water – 200-300 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries, cut off the branches. Rinse under running water.
  • Place in a saucepan. Pour water without taking into account the number of berries. It is only needed to prevent the berries from burning.
  • Place on the fire and cook, stirring, until cracks appear on the berries.
  • Cool the currants quickly in a container with cold water.
  • Grind with a wooden masher until pureed. Squeeze out the juice.
  • Add sugar to the juice as required. Stir thoroughly. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Cook for 3 minutes.
  • Prepare sterile jars that need to be washed in advance, steamed, and then baked in the oven to dry.
  • Pour hot juice into heated jars. Leave uncovered until completely cool.
  • Cover the frozen jelly with parchment paper or tracing paper.

Jam - jelly: second recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • pectin – 3 tsp;
  • water.

Cooking method

  • Sort out the ripe red currants and rinse under running water. Remove the branches.
  • Place the berries in a saucepan. Pour in a little water – it should just cover them slightly. Place on moderate heat. Then reduce the heat and cook the berries until soft.
  • Cool the berries slightly and then rub through a sieve.
  • Place the container with the puree on the fire, add sugar and pectin. Bring to a boil, skimming off any foam. Cook until the desired thickness, taking into account the fact that the cooled jam becomes thicker.
  • Prepare sterile jars with lids. Roast them in the oven until they are dry and warm.
  • While hot, pour the prepared jam into jars. Seal immediately. If you do not want to cover the jam, cool it completely and then cover with parchment or tracing paper.

Redcurrant jam - jelly: third recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 200 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries and rinse under running cold water. The branches do not need to be removed.
  • Place the berries in a cooking bowl. Add sugar. Stir. After a few minutes, stir again.
  • Add water. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring and skimming. Reduce the heat and cook the jam for another 25–30 minutes.
  • Remove from stove. While hot, rub through a sieve. Immediately place into sterile, dry, hot jars.
  • Seal with lids. Turn the jars upside down and cool in this position.

Redcurrant jam - jelly: fourth recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries, remove the stalks. Rinse in cold water.
  • Pour into a cooking basin. Put in sugar. Leave until the berries release juice. It can be stirred periodically.
  • Place the bowl of berries on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat, removing the foam. Boil for 2 minutes.
  • When hot, rub through a sieve.
  • Place in sterile jars. Cool. Cover with parchment.

Redcurrant jam-jelly without cooking


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries and rinse under running water. The branches do not need to be removed.
  • Place the currants in a colander and pour boiling water over them several times to soften the berries.
  • Place the prepared berries in small portions in a sieve and wipe into a bowl.
  • Pour the puree into a large container. Put in sugar. Stir until the sugar is almost completely dissolved.
  • Prepare sterile jars and lids. Warm them up in the oven.
  • Place jam in them. Close with lids. Store in the refrigerator.

Red currant jam “Pyatiminutka”: first recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 200 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries, remove spoiled ones, as well as twigs. Wash under running water.
  • Pour sugar into a cooking basin, add water and cook the syrup.
  • Dip the berries into it and bring to a boil over moderate heat. To prevent the berries from getting bruised, do not stir the jam, just gently shake the bowl and turn it from side to side.
  • Cook for 5 minutes, removing foam.
  • Remove from heat, wait a few minutes and put back on the stove. Cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat again.
  • Repeat the procedure again.
  • Pour the jam into sterile jars heated in the oven. Roll up with sterile lids. Turn upside down and cool.

Red currant jam “Pyatiminutka”: second recipe


  • red currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 200 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the berries and remove the branches. Wash in cold water.
  • Place in a cooking basin. Add sugar. Leave for 1-2 hours so that the berries release juice.
  • Bring to a boil over moderate heat, while stirring the jam gently. Cook, skimming off the foam, for 5 minutes.
  • When hot, pack into sterile dry jars. Roll up with sterile lids. Turn upside down and cool.

Note to the hostess

After you pass the berries through a sieve, a lot of waste remains in it: skins, grains, twigs. Don't rush to throw them away! You can cook a tasty and healthy compote from them.

Hermetically sealed jam can be stored in a pantry or cupboard. Raw jam is stored only in the refrigerator.

It is impossible to find a person who has never seen a currant bush. And it’s impossible to understand those who haven’t tried the berry at all! How can one refuse fragrant red, black or white currants, which literally melt on the tongue with sweet sourness and give a lot of pleasure? And currant jam is a pleasure that cannot be replaced by anything. Put a spoonful of jam on a loaf, pancakes, or just eat it and drink tea - there is nothing tastier than this!

There are only three recognized varieties of berries: white, red and black. But many gardeners today also grow golden currants. Its pleasant color is complemented by unique taste. But this species is not very developed, and therefore it is worth talking about the three “pillars” of currants, their benefits or harm.

The benefits of currants have been known to people for a very long time. And not only the benefits of berries, but also leaves, branches and buds. Berries are valuable for the presence of a huge amount of vitamins. Even citrus fruits and sauerkraut - record holders for the presence of vitamin C - lose, and the vitamin is preserved in currant jam, the recipe for which does not contain heat treatment. In addition to vitamin C, black currant is rich in carotenes, vitamins B, D, E, PP and acids: malic, citric, succinic, salicylic….

If you accidentally overdid it a little at the holiday table, drinking currant jam for 5 minutes with tea will save you from a headache. If you have a sore throat - blackcurrant jam will come in handy, if you have problems with blood formation - the recipe for five-minute redcurrant jam should definitely be familiar to you!

And don’t be surprised, red currants are the champion of all types of berries. Red currants, just like blood, help fight anemia, replenish iron deficiency in the body and simply make the blood work. This means that if you suffer from at least one blood ailment, currant jam without cooking (from red) should be in your refrigerator. Well, you can’t ignore white currants.

The benefits of berries are not in doubt: the cardiovascular system cannot work without white currants - that’s a fact! Being a valuable source of iron, potassium, magnesium, white currants are also incredibly tasty. Much more sour than any other berry, white currants are extremely refreshing. Try making jelly from white currants - it’s so delicious, and a cold fruit drink with five-minute white currant jam and soda is very aromatic!

There are a lot of cooking methods and recipes for currant jam, but it’s worth familiarizing yourself with some of them. Basic recipes for currant jam can always be diluted, supplemented with fruits or berries and then you will get a completely new, royal currant jam that only you will have!

Blackcurrant jam: always excellent results

If you don’t yet know how to make currant jam, that’s okay! The main thing is to stock up on berries, sugar, an enamel bowl or pan and clean jars with lids. If you want to make blackcurrant jam that will not sit in the refrigerator over the winter, you need to cook it properly. But everything is in order.

So, the ingredients for the dish are:

  • currants and
  • sugar.

Moreover, granulated sugar should be taken depending on the acidity of the berries, an approximate proportion of 1/1 per kilogram of currants, one kilogram of sugar!

How to make blackcurrant jam for the winter:

  1. Rinse the berries, pick off all the leaves, remove debris and dry the berries very thoroughly on a clean towel;
  2. Prepare a clean measuring cup, sugar and boiled clean water.
  3. Now the most interesting thing is how to cook currant jam for the winter: in a basin or saucepan, boil syrup from a glass of sugar and 1/2 glass of water - add 1 glass of berries, boil for 5 minutes and again add 1 glass of sugar with a glass of berries.
  4. Cook until the berries are gone. This recipe has been tested over the years and always works. The main thing is to remember to constantly stir the sugar so that it does not stick. There is not enough liquid or the syrup turns out to be a little thick - add half a glass of water for each kilogram of sugar (if you cook everything correctly, you will only need water the first time).
  5. While stirring, skim off the foam from the jam. Now you know how to make blackcurrant jam. Pour the hot brew into sterilized jars, seal with lids, turn the jars over and leave to cool. Don’t worry, despite the long cooking process, the jam turns out perfectly fragrant and tasty.

Redcurrant jam: tasty and aromatic

  1. The recipe for red currant jam is not much different from any other. If you know how to make blackcurrant jam, you can easily handle red currants. It is important to understand how long to cook currant jam: there is no need to digest it - you will get molasses; you need to cook any berry for no more than 15-20 minutes to preserve the taste and aroma. Red currant jam begins with processing the berries:
  2. Carefully pick all the berries from the branches, remove leaves and husks. Many housewives leave the most beautiful branches and make red currant jam with branches - you can choose for yourself, but the purer the jam, the longer it will last;
  3. Rinse and dry the berries on towels. You need to process red currants very carefully; the skin of the berries is extremely delicate and can be easily damaged.
  4. If you want, you can make currant jam without cooking. To do this, simply sprinkle red currants with sugar at the rate of 2/1 (per 2 kilos of sugar - one kilo of berries), crush them with a masher and leave overnight in a cool place. In the morning, stir the sugar (it should dissolve), pour the delicious currant jam into clean jars and store in the refrigerator.
  5. But if you prefer boiled delicious red currant jam, then make it in the same way as jam without cooking, only boil the jam for 15 minutes before sealing. All! Excellent and tasty food for the winter is ready. True, such a delicacy will contain seeds, and therefore it is better to learn how to make currant jelly jam. You know how long to cook currant jam, there is also a recipe for red currant jam, it’s time to start processing white currants.

White currant jam: a little troublesome, but delicious!

White currant jam is cooked very rarely. Mainly because it is difficult to pick the berries from the bush, they are small and incredibly tender. But if you succeed and get a good harvest, make “Kiev” white currant jam - you won’t regret it. What is needed for this:

  • berries and sugar at a ratio of 1:1;
  • another 300 gr. sugar and 2 glasses of boiled water.

How to prepare currant jam, Kiev recipe:

  1. Dry the washed and tasseled berries on towels;
  2. cover the berries with sugar, leave in a cool place for 8-10 hours;
  3. In the morning, cook syrup from 300 gr. sugar and water, add to the settled jam and cook over very low heat (skimming off the foam) until the berries become completely transparent.
  4. Afterwards, pour the jam into sterile jars, seal the lids, turn the jars over, cover with a blanket and let cool in this position. You can store Kiev jam outside the refrigerator.

Blackcurrant jelly jam

The most delicious currant jam is jelly! Absolutely everyone loves currant jelly jam. Even people who, in principle, do not recognize any sweets, do not refuse a spoon of amazingly aromatic jam, made with love. Jelly blackcurrant jam is quite easy to prepare; you just need to be patient and allow yourself to get a little creative. So what you need:

  • 8 glasses of berries;
  • 8 glasses of granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 cups of clean boiled water.

One little secret: if you don’t have a lot of jars in the house, but you get a lot of jam, pour the sweet delicacy into thick plastic bags (when cooled, of course). It is better to store such preparations in the freezer, but gelled blackcurrant jam will last for a very long time, enough until the new harvest.

Jelly-like blackcurrant jam, recipe:

1) sort the berries, rinse, dry;

2) put the berries in an enamel bowl or pan, add water and simmer over low heat (bringing to a boil) for about 5 minutes;

3) add sugar, stir and cook for another 7 minutes;

4) pour the hot blackcurrant jelly jam into jars, seal and let cool. You can store the jam in an underground or other cool place.

There is a more troublesome option to make jelly-like blackcurrant jam. But the resulting delicacy is simply unique in color and taste:

1) cover the blackcurrants with sugar (1:1 ratio), pound with a masher, leave until the sugar dissolves for about 10 hours;

2) after – grind the whole mass through a fine sieve, place in a saucepan and boil, adding 1-1.5 cups of water (if necessary).

Cooking blackcurrant jam and jelly does not take long: 5-7 minutes. Place the hot mixture into jars and let cool - an incredibly tasty and aromatic dessert is ready!

Redcurrant jelly jam

To make red currant jam and jelly, you need to do it very simply:

1) choose a dessert preparation option: boil or do without cooking;

2) pick 2 kilograms of currant berries from the branches, wash and dry the berries;

3) prepare 3 kg granulated sugar, a fine sieve, a masher, a spoon and an enamel basin.

Red currant jam and jelly without cooking are made in the same way as black currant jam:

1) rub the berries with sugar, leave for 8 hours;

2) then pass the whole mass through a sieve, remove the seeds and put the currant jam and jelly into jars. This dessert without cooking should be kept in the refrigerator;

If you need to make delicious redcurrant jam and jelly for a long time, then it’s even easier:

1) after the jam has been covered with sugar and rubbed through a sieve, removing the seeds (see the first version of the jam), you need to cook syrup from 1 glass of sugar and 1 glass of water, put all the jelly in it and boil for 5 minutes on very low gas;

2) do not forget to skim off the foam when boiling. As soon as the delicious jelly-like redcurrant jam is ready, pour it into jars. You can seal it with lids, let it cool and put it in a cool place - the jelly dessert is ready!

No matter how delicious jelly-like currant jam is, 5 minute currant jam beats all recipes in popularity!

Five-minute currant jam: quick and tasty!

Five-minute currant jam can be made from any type of berry. Black currant or red - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is not to overcook the dessert. To begin with, you should stock up on sugar, water, good utensils, a measuring cup and a spoon. Now you can prepare blackcurrant jam for five minutes. The ingredients are simple:

The recipe for five-minute blackcurrant jam is made faster than you can read it:

1) wash the berries, sort and peel. Leave to dry;

2) set the syrup from sugar and water to boil, bring the mixture to a boil and immediately add all the dry and clean berries;

3) heat everything again until it boils and cook the blackcurrant jam for five minutes with constant stirring for exactly 5 minutes!

Five-minute blackcurrant jam is ready! The recipe for five-minute redcurrant jam is no less simple:

1) boil 3 cups of sugar and 1/2 cup of water into syrup;

2) Add 1-1.5 cups of clean and dry red currants to the syrup, bring to a boil and cook the red currant jam for exactly 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

You can take more or less ingredients, but maintain the ratio of products. And then the five-minute red currant jam will turn out not only tasty, but also aromatic!

Currant jam with oranges

Blackcurrant jam with orange is a fairly new recipe, so you can try making currant jam with oranges and pamper your family. What is needed for this:

  • 1 kg of dry clean berries,
  • 2 ripe medium-sized oranges.

How to make currant jam with oranges:

1) Pass the currants through a meat grinder and cover with sugar. If you don’t have a meat grinder in your house, it doesn’t matter. Take a masher in your hands and rub the berries with sugar, it will be even tastier;

2) Pass one orange (do not peel the zest) through a meat grinder (you can chop it very finely), squeeze out all the juice from the second orange to the last drop;

3) Mix the pulp of the first orange into the currant jam, put the saucepan with the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and pour in the orange juice.

Boil the blackcurrant and orange jam for about 7 minutes, stirring constantly, seal in jars, let cool and enjoy the deliciousness all winter!

Currant jam through a meat grinder is the simplest and most accessible recipe for all housewives. Preparing currant jam through a meat grinder is extremely simple:

1) pass the washed and dry berries through a meat grinder with a fine grid;

2) sprinkle the mass with sugar at the rate of 1:1.5 (per kilo of berries - one and a half kilos of sugar);

3) stir very well so that the sugar disperses and does not remain at the bottom and pour into jars.

You need to store currant jam through a meat grinder in the refrigerator; absolutely all the vitamins and nutrients are preserved in the dessert, and therefore there is no better cure for winter colds and flu.

Royal currant jam

To prepare dessert, you need to select the strongest and the same sized berries. All you need:

  • 6 tbsp. black currant berries,
  • 6 tbsp. good granulated sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. warm and clean boiled water.

Place washed and completely dry berries in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil, boil for about 3-5 minutes. Add granulated sugar (all), bring to a boil again and, carefully skimming off the foam with a spoon, boil for at least 15 minutes. All! Royal currant jam is ready!

One of the simplest sweet preparations for the winter is Pyatiminutka berry jam. With a short time on fire, the natural aroma, richness, freshness and color are preserved. For example, 5-minute red currant jam is useful for layering shortbread pies, soaking biscuits, as a sauce for pancakes, ice cream and desserts.

To prepare jam for 5 minutes, take red currants and granulated sugar.

Place the berries in cold water for a couple of minutes and remove any debris.

Remove branches and leaves, rinse and shake off.

Mash some of the red currants to speed up the dissolution of sugar.

Add granulated sugar and mix.

Leave for about five minutes until a decent amount of moisture (juice) is released.

Place on high heat, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook at constant bubbling for exactly five minutes. At the same time, remove the pink foam.

Pour hot 5-minute redcurrant jam into sterile jars and seal with a sterile lid.

After cooling, transfer the homemade five-minute redcurrant jam to the pantry for storage. Once opened, keep it on the refrigerator shelf. Due to natural pectin, the cooled syrup gels - the jam thickens. Enjoy your tea!

The best recipes for making healthy and aromatic redcurrant jam!

We offer a simple option for preparing red currants for future use - red currant jam for the winter, step-by-step instructions will help you do all the processes quickly and correctly. The jam is made with virtually no heat treatment; it is cooked for no more than five minutes so that the berries can fully retain all their value. If desired, during the first minutes of cooking the berries can be pureed with an immersion blender, then you will get something like jam.

  • red currants – 300 g,
  • sugar – 300 g.

Preparing currants; the most difficult thing in working with red currants is to clear them of twigs, since the berries are small and easy to crush during the peeling process. Therefore, you need to carefully pick off all the red berries. Place the berries in a deep bowl, add water, dry leaves that were not taken into account will immediately float to the surface. Rinse the currants. Leave in a sieve to drain all the water. Then transfer the currants to a bowl or pan.

Add granulated sugar. Add a little vanilla sugar if desired.

Mix the berries with sugar very carefully so that each currant is covered with granulated sugar. Now put the container in a dark place for 8 hours. It’s convenient to do this procedure in the evening, and in the morning all that’s left to do is quickly boil and roll up the jam.

After the specified time, the sugar dissolved and the currants gave a little juice. Now transfer the berries to a stovetop container. Also at this stage, jars and lids should be sent for sterilization.

Boil the currants after boiling for exactly five minutes, no longer necessary.

Immediately place the berries along with the syrup into jars. You can store in the refrigerator for up to a month, or roll up and store until winter.

Place hermetically sealed jars in a secluded place with the bottom up and additionally insulate them.

After a day of red currant jam, remove the blanket or blanket, or whatever was used for insulation, and send the jars to the basement.

Recipe 2: the best five-minute redcurrant jam

  • red currant – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 150 ml.

If jam can be made from any berries, even overripe ones, then for this recipe it is better to choose fresh, just picked, slightly unripe ones. These berries will remain intact when cooked.

So, we harvest, we try to have as little garbage as possible - twigs, leaves.

By the way, red currants belong to a rare category of berries that can stay fresh for quite a long time in the refrigerator compartment. So if you don’t have time to prepare immediately after harvesting, you can leave it in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

We pick the berries from the branches and soak them in cold water to remove debris. Then rinse under the tap with cold water.

Prepare sugar syrup. Pour granulated sugar, pour water, and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil until the foam subsides - about 3-4 minutes.

Cool the syrup a little, transfer the currants to a cooking bowl, and pour in hot syrup.

Cook in 3 steps - each time bring to a boil over low heat. Then boil for 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Cool to room temperature and heat and boil again. If you don’t have time to cook in several stages, you can cook once for 30 minutes, but in this case many of the berries will be boiled and the color will not be bright.

You cannot stir the mass; you need to shake the basin so that the foam collects in its center.

Preparing containers for preservation. Rinse thoroughly washed jars and lids with boiling water and dry in the oven at 150 degrees for 10 minutes.

Place the prepared redcurrant jam into jars and, after cooling, cover with lids or baking parchment folded in several layers.

Store in a dry and dark place.

Recipe 3: delicious redcurrant jam with fruits

I love the color and taste of red currants. So we will take it as a basis. Add bananas, apples, apricots to the jam. You can take any fruits you have in stock or take advantage of my offer. Determine the ratio of fruits and berries yourself. How much sugar you add to the jam depends on the acidity of the berries, fruits and of course your taste. So that the jam does not overcook and so that it has a jelly consistency, add pectin or a jelly mixture. How much pectin you add depends on what you want.

  • Red currants - 1 kg.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Large apple - 1 pc.
  • Apricot - to taste.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Pectin - 20 grams.

Wash and dry the currants.

Wash the banana, peel and cut into pieces.

Wash the apple, dry it and cut it into pieces.

Wash the apricots, dry them, remove the pit and cut into pieces.

Remove the branches from the currants.

Pour the currants into the pan and mash a little.

Add banana pieces to the currants and stir.

Then add apple pieces and stir.

Add apricot pieces and stir.

Add 0.5 kg of sugar, water to the fruit and mix.

Bring fruit to a boil.

We will need pectin or a gelling mixture to thicken the jam.

Mix the remaining sugar and pectin.

Add sugar and pectin to the jam, stir, bring to a boil, cook the jam for 10 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam.

Place the hot jam into prepared jars and roll up or screw on the lids.

Red currant jam with fruits turned out beautiful in color, very tasty with a pleasant aroma of currants and fruits with a jelly consistency. Bon appetit and happy cooking!

Recipe 4: zucchini jam with red currants (with photo)

Unusual red currant jam can be prepared for the winter. Zucchini plays the main role in this jam, and red currants add pleasant sourness and unique color. The jam turns out to be tender, not cloyingly sweet and somewhat reminiscent of jam in consistency.

  • Zucchini 1 kg;
  • Red currants 400 grams;
  • Sugar 1 kg.

Necessary products: zucchini, currants, sugar.

Wash the currants, remove the branches, and dry on a towel. Peel the zucchini and cut into small slices.

Grind the zucchini and currants in a blender (you can use a meat grinder). If desired, you can additionally rub the mass through a sieve to remove currant seeds.

Add sugar, mix well and put on low heat. The mixture must be stirred frequently so that the sugar is completely dissolved and the jam does not burn.

Bring the zucchini jam to a boil, let it simmer for 5-10 minutes. Then repeat the procedure 2 more times at intervals of 12 hours. Let the jam cool completely and pour into sterile jars. Close the lid. Store in a cool place.

Recipe 5, step by step: winter jam from apples and currants

The scarlet pulp of currants gives apple jam an amazing color and a unique tart shade. The abundance of plant fiber increases its beneficial properties. The taste of the finished product depends on the ratio of fruits.

High-quality jam is prepared without adding water. In order for fruits sprinkled with sugar to release their juice more quickly, the dishes with them should be shaken from time to time. You can place it on the fire even with a small amount of liquid: gradual heating will greatly speed up the process.

Boiling in several stages will allow you to achieve a jelly-like consistency of the product.

For a 0.5 l jar:

  • 300 g red currants
  • 2-3 ripe apples
  • 200 g granulated sugar

Peel red currant berries from the bunches and rinse in water. Let's pour them into a cauldron or stewpan - the dishes must have a non-stick bottom so that the workpiece cannot burn!

We also rinse the apples in water and cut them into quarters, removing the cores and seed pods. Cut each part into small cubes and pour into a container.

Add granulated sugar and mix everything carefully. Some chefs advise leaving berries and fruits in sugar for 1-2 hours so that they have time to release their juice, but during this time the apple slices will darken and become unattractive in appearance, so we immediately place the container on the stove and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and continue to simmer the jam until the apple cubes soften.

As soon as they become soft, but do not lose their shape, our jam is completely ready! Be sure to sterilize the jars over steam or scald them with boiling water along with the lids.

Pour the jam with apple pieces into a jar with a ladle and immediately seal it with a tin lid, and then roll it up with a key for preservation. If you have jars and lids with threads, then simply screw them all the way.

Let's check the preservation for strength by turning the jar on its side, and send it to the pantry or to the balcony until it cools completely, and then transfer it to the cellar or basement.

This jam simply harmonizes wonderfully with shortcrust pastry - make pies, baskets, etc. with it. Such aromatic pastries are sure to fly off the dish in an instant!

Recipe 6: tender currant jam with lemon (step by step)

  • Red currants – 700 grams
  • Lemon – ½ part
  • Granulated sugar 350-400 grams

Place the currants in a colander and rinse under running water. Let the water drain and then free the berries from the branches. Pour the berries into a bowl and add sugar.

We turn on the immersion blender and grind the currants along with sugar. As a result, we get such a bright colorful mixture that you immediately want to try.

But, we leave it and set about preparing the second participant in our amazing redcurrant jam. We wash the lemon very well under running warm water, because we will use it together with the peel. Then cut off half and chop into pieces. Place in a blender bowl and grind into a paste.

The obtained result is sent to the currant-sugar mass.

And then we pour it directly into the container in which our red currant jam with lemon will be prepared. We put it on medium heat.

We don’t leave, but, armed with a wooden spoon, stir the future jam. Very soon foam will appear on it, which we immediately carefully collect in a cup.

After removing the foam, let our jam boil for literally 5-7 minutes and turn off the heat.

By this time, a sterile jar and a sterile lid have already been prepared (steam over steam). Transfer the hot contents of the saucepan into a hot jar and immediately roll up the lid.

An exquisite delicacy - red currant jam with lemon will wait for its time on the shelf. And in winter you will appreciate its sweet and sour taste!

Recipe 7, simple: thick red and black currant jam

A tasty and healthy delicacy that can be prepared at home is red and black currant jam for the winter. Rich in vitamin C and other microelements, this jam will support your immunity during the cold season. You can make tea or compote with jam; you can enjoy it by spreading it on bread or a roll; you can use it as a filling for pies, pies, and dumplings. Desserts with currant jam are also tasty and aromatic.

  • 1 kg red currants
  • 1 kg black currants
  • 1 kg sugar

Sort through the currants, select dry leaves and debris, spoiled and dry berries. Separate the red currants from the branches. Rinse the berries in a colander with cool running water and allow excess liquid to drain.

You can grind the berries through a meat grinder or use a food processor. Place the berries in a bowl, add half the sugar and stir for 2-3 minutes at medium speed.

The result is a bright, appetizing, aromatic berry mass.

Pour the grated currants and sugar into a saucepan and, stirring, bring to a boil. Stir the jam constantly, making sure it doesn't run away.

After the currant jam boils, add the second half of the sugar and continue stirring. The sugar should dissolve. After boiling, the fire should be kept low, and after 5-7 minutes, turn off the gas completely.

Jars for sealing jam must be sterile, as are the lids. Hold the clean glass container over steam for 5-7 minutes; you can also heat the jars in the oven or microwave. The lids can be lowered into boiling water for a couple of seconds.

Carefully pour hot red and black currant jam for the winter into prepared jars. Screw the lids on tightly, tip over and wrap.

When the jam has cooled, this will happen in about a day, put it away for storage in the pantry or cellar.

Recipe 8: live jam - raspberries and red currants

Let's prepare a very tasty and almost 100% healthy, so-called “live jam”. “Live jam” is nothing more than simply ground berries with sugar.

There can be as many options for mixing berries as you like - from everything that you love and consider compatible. I like red currants with aromatic raspberries and sour lemon.

  • Lemon 2 pcs.
  • Fresh raspberries 2000 g
  • Sugar 1 kg
  • Fresh red currant 1,500 g

Redcurrant jam Housewives like it for its simplicity and original, sour taste. The sweet treat may also include raspberries, bananas, cherries, black currants, oranges, etc. Jelly and jam are very tasty. But first things first.

Redcurrant jam

Required Products:

Red currant berries – 1 kg
- sugar – 1.6 kg

Cooking steps:

Sort the fruits, clean them of twigs with tails and other debris. Place them in a bowl and rinse thoroughly. Leave for a couple of minutes to allow the water to come out. Immediately prepare a cooking container, pour the berries into it, and sprinkle sugar on top. Two hours is enough for the juice to start flowing. Place the contents on the stove, set the temperature to moderate, and wait until it boils. Do not leave container unattended. As soon as the contents boil, stir, getting rid of bubbles. In just 15 minutes the jam will be ready. Immediately pour it into baked containers and screw on the lids.

Do and.

Redcurrant jam-jelly


Filtered water - a full glass
- sugar, berries – 1 kg each

How to cook:

Wash the berries and place them in boiling water for a couple of minutes. After blanching, it will be easy to grind through a sieve. Grind with a wooden spoon or spatula. Grind the remaining cake through cheesecloth again. Mix the currant mass with sugar in a saucepan and let it cook. As soon as you notice that the contents are boiling, start stirring them regularly. Pack into beautiful jars and screw on the lids. After a couple of hours the jelly will become even thicker.

Rate and.

Red currant: jam for the winter


Raspberries – 0.6 kg
- currants – 1.1 kg
- sugar – 1.6 kg

How to cook:

Wash two types of berries. As a rule, it is enough to rinse them. If the fruits have been treated with chemicals, then they need to be washed as thoroughly as possible. Stir the berries, sprinkle with layers of granulated sugar so that they release juice faster. Leave them in this form for three hours. After the granulated sugar has melted, stir the contents with a wooden spoon, always skimming off the foam. Place the cooking container on the stove and bring to a boil (temperature should be medium). After this, reduce it slightly and continue cooking for 40 minutes, stirring the mixture with a wooden spatula. Place the jam immediately into the jars and screw on the lids. The rolls should cool slowly, so it is better to wrap them with something first.

Cook this.

Red and black currant jam

Required Products:

Black and red currants – 1 kg each
- granulated sugar – 2.5 kg

Cooking steps:

Wash the berries, sort them, remove all debris, stalks and tails. Blackcurrants take a little longer to release their juice, so keep them in the sugar a little longer. You can leave it in the refrigerator overnight - it won’t hurt. Stir it well. When cooking, first wait until it boils, then cook for half an hour and package in glass containers, screw on, wrap in something warm and let cool.

What do you think?

Redcurrant jam 5 minutes


Sugar – 1.6 kg
- currants – 1 kg
- a glass of water

Cooking steps:

Free the berries from the branches, remove all debris, quickly rinse with running water, and spread in one layer to dry. Brew syrup from water and granulated sugar. It needs to become transparent. Boil fairly slowly (about 5 minutes). Pour in the berries that have dried out after the water, and let the contents boil. As soon as it boils, time it for 5 minutes and turn off the stove. Place the contents of the pan into containers.

Redcurrant jam: recipe

You will need:

Granulated sugar, currant berries – 1 kg each

Cooking steps:

As usual, remove all debris, drain the spoiled water along with the twigs, rinse the fruits, and allow as much water to drain as possible. Place the berries in a multi-cooker bowl and let sit for a while until the juice appears. After the sugar has dissolved, close the lid, simmer, and set the time for 1 hour. Place the finished treat into jars.

Rate and.

Redcurrant jam recipes

Recipe without cooking


Sugar – 2 kg
- berries – 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Sort out the ripe berries. They must be strong, clean and intact. After removing debris, rinse the fruits and spread them on a clean towel in one layer. Grind the dried berries in any way, grind through a sieve. Combine the berry puree with sugar, stir until the latter is completely dissolved. Roll into baked glass jars. Be sure to store the rolls in a cool place.

How to make redcurrant jam


Garden strawberries, red currants - 1 kilogram each
- sugar – 1 kg

How to cook:

First, prepare the juice from which you will later make jam. This method is also suitable for cooking preparations from cherries, cherries and other fruits. Rinse the currant berries thoroughly, remove any debris, place in a colander, place in a pan of boiling water until the fruits are completely covered, and let sit for a couple of minutes. Grind the berries through a sieve to obtain clear juice. Make sweet syrup from granulated sugar and juice. Wash the strawberries, cut the large fruits into 4 parts. Place in syrup and continue cooking for half an hour after boiling begins. Pour into pre-treated glass jars and let cool.

Try also.

How to make redcurrant jam

Required Products:

Sugar – 1 kg
- medium orange – 2 pcs.
- currant berries – 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Sort the fruits and rinse them. Peel the oranges, cut them, remove the seeds, and chop with a blender. Add sugar, stir, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, pack into containers while hot.

You will need:

Banana – 5 pcs.
- granulated sugar – 600 g
- currants – 2.1 kg

Cooking steps:

Squeeze the juice from the berries, pour into an enamel container, add sugar, add peeled bananas, mashed to a puree. Send the mixture to medium heat, boil, reduce heat, cook for exactly forty minutes, stirring occasionally. Pack into containers and roll up the lids.

Redcurrant jam recipe


Sugar – 1 kg
- currant puree – 1.6 kg
- cherries - ? kg

Cooking steps:

Place in boiling water, cook for exactly 2 minutes, and rub thoroughly through a sieve. Pour granulated sugar into the resulting puree, place over medium heat, and cook until thick. Place pitted cherries. Cook the berry jam until it is ready, stirring occasionally.

Redcurrant jam - jelly


Currant berries, granulated sugar - 1 kg each
- a glass of water

How to cook:

Prepare the berries, pour into an enamel container, cook, add water, turn off the stove, boil, cook for a couple of minutes. Strain immediately through a sieve. Add the puree and simmer for half an hour over moderate heat. Pour hot jam into treated glass jars and seal.

Redcurrant jam for the winter

You will need:

Granulated sugar – 500 g
- honey – 1 kg
- apples, red and black currants – 500 g each
- walnuts – one and a half glasses

Cooking steps:

Prepare the berries, pour cool water over them, place them on the stove, wait until it softens, and grind through a sieve. Make a sweet syrup from granulated sugar and liquid honey, add chopped apple slices and chopped nuts into it, cook for exactly an hour, remembering to stir constantly. Place the workpiece while still hot in sterile jars and roll up.

Delicious jam

Required Products:

Currant puree – 1.5 kg
- cherries (freed from pits) – ? kg
- granulated sugar – 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Place the berries in boiling water, cook for a couple of minutes, and grind through a sieve. The resulting puree should be approximately 1.5 kg, pour granulated sugar into it, turn it over medium heat, cook until thick, add cherries, cook the jam until tender, stirring for an hour or two, place in treated glass containers.

Recipe with watermelon


Sugar – 1.5 kg
- watermelon pulp – 1 kg
- currants – 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Grind the berries with sugar, add the chopped watermelon pulp, place on the stove, boil, cook for about 40 minutes. Grind the mixture through a sieve, pack the jam into sterile jars, and place it on the refrigerator shelf for storage.

Currant jam recipe

To prepare, you need to take sugar and currants in equal proportions. Prepare the fruits: wash them, dry them, crush them with a wooden masher, grind through a sieve, add granulated sugar, stir, cook the jam over medium heat, stirring from time to time with a wooden spoon. Place the thickened jam into containers that have been sterilized in advance and roll up.

Gooseberry recipe


Currants – 1.5 kg
- gooseberries – 3 kg
- granulated sugar – 2 kg

How to cook:

Wash the gooseberries thoroughly, dry them on a clean, ironed towel, remove flower ovaries and cuttings. Lightly prick the berries with a knife and mash them with a wooden spoon until they burst. Remove the branches from the currants, sprinkle with sugar, place on the stove, and bring to a boil with regular stirring. Add gooseberries to the syrup. Boil again, reduce temperature, and simmer for 20 minutes. Stir the jam periodically. Place in baked containers and screw on the lids.

Option with lemon juice and strawberries


Strawberries – 1 kg
- lemon juice – 4.2 tbsp. spoons
- sugar – 700 g
- currants – 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Heat the oven to 200 degrees, place the currants on a baking sheet, and bake for 15 minutes. Remove and grind through a sieve. Wash the strawberries and place on a sieve. Place the berries in a bowl, cut large fruits, sprinkle with citrus juice. Boil sweet syrup in a separate bowl. Pour in strawberries and currants, cook until thick, put in jars, screw on.



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